Festive Messages
Happy Valentine’s Day! Want to be my (kinky) Valentine? Here’s my message for you!
You all have been SO GOOD to me, each and every day of the year, thank you so much! You shower me with roses, Veuve Cliquot champagne, lingerie, kinky toys, compliments, amazing reviews, friendship, kindness, dinners, amazing conversations, fantastic hugs, millions of laughs— I am THE luckiest! I feel so fortunate by the outpouring of generosity and care, I truly feel cherished!
And I am hoping you feel the same care, kindness, nurturing, generosity, and being cherished from me too!
It is always my desire to help each and every one of you to be the best man and lover you can be in life and in the world! I am committed to that, and am a fierce advocate and supporter for empowering you!
And as much as I love to be the girl next door that you want to be besties with, I also want to be a guide and mentor that helps challenge you to rise and men of purpose, power, and positive impact (hoooottttt)!
So from that place in my heart of cherishing you and wanting you to win in love and in life, I would like to share with you a few key things that have helped ME tremendously in my relating with the others (both sexually and non-sexually), but also in practices that have been super helpful for men in their self-development.
If it works, great! If it doesn’t, leave it behind. This is my gift to you! x
Will All My Heart,
~ Paris
The Four Agreements
A teacher of ancient Toltec wisdom, Don Miguel Ruiz wrote a fantastic (and small!) book called The Four Agreements. It’s centered around these four principles:
1- Be Impeccable with Your Word.
2- Always Do Your Best.
3- Don’t Take Anything Personally.
4- Don’t Make Assumptions.
You can do a Google search for The Four Agreements, and it’ll show you images that you can print off. I highly recommend learning and applying these to your life, and also reading the book! https://www.miguelruiz.com/the-four-agreements/
The Wheel of Consent
Game changer. There is no other way to put it. If you actually really delve into it, it will illuminate so much in how you relate with others, and how your actions may not be lining up with your true intentions. Brooklyn is also a HUGE fan of Wheel of Consent! We will be talking it about it in our upcoming series Intimacy Intel. Here is Betty Martin’s website sharing a video about Wheel of Consent: https://bettymartin.org/videos/
If you’re in the dating phase of meeting new people, this conversation is indispensable. It might not seem sexy…but I’ve done it several times and I promise it is!
R- Relationship Status
B- Boundaries
D- Desires
S- Sexual Health and Safety
M- Meaning (usually most important piece)
A- Aftercare (also extremely important)
If you do this BEFORE you engage in a sexually intimate situation, it will change the entire way you and the female navigate intimate connection. It’s an opportunity to honest upfront, and a way to see where you line up…and where you don’t.
Mankind Project
We all have unprocessed pain and emotion. I understand that for men it can be isolating and challenging to find a safe space to process with other men about the experiences they’ve been through in life— childhood abuse and trauma, divorce, loss, failures, all the things. I LOVE it when men have a safe space to process, because it also gives them permission to unleash and really step into their power. I can always tell if a man is a member of the Mankind Project. They have a way of expressing and communicating that is heart centered and is VERY attractive for women. This group is global with chapters everywhere. Check them out!
The Pussy Massage Masterclass
After co-teaching 36 male clients (ie students) the Pussy Massage Masterclass, I can unequivocally say it is an investment that will fundamentally shift how you understand, relate, and touch women. I have a whole page about it, and it brings me a lot of joy to teach!
There are so many more things, but this is an excellent roadmap to begin with!
Let me know how it goes! More to come!
Enjoy this relaxing, comforting message as you wind down from all the festivities and food.
Enjoy this three day weekend! The last hurrah before Thanksgiving! Remember to take time to unplug, recharge, and reconnect with nature! And if you can’t go away for a few days…I know an option that in just an hour or two can work wonders for you!
It’s my birthday! Normally I stay lowkey, but this year I am celebrating loud and proud! 43, baby! What a gift this last year has been, and I have such gratitude for YOU!
Your greatest gift is your presence! And…if you want to celebrate me and how I’ve touched your life, here are a few ways!
Based on the Five Love Languages:
Quality time and physical touch ~ Come schedule a session with me! My favorite way to spend time is in connection!
Gifts ~ Amazon gift cards and Cash App ($ThePlayfulDomme) help me with the things I need to do this work.
Also, I do love: roses, Veuve Cliquot champagne, lingerie, and kinky toys to add to my repatoire!
Acts of Service ~ 1) Leave a review! On Private Delights, on TER, or you can send me a private message and I’ll post it anonymously on my website! 2) Fill out the Insight Inquiry here. I am developing ways to expand what I offer, and your input matters greatly!
Words of Affirmation ~ Want to share a heartfelt message? You can comment below and it will be sent to me privately.
To me, a father is a man who shows up. Helpful, supportive, engaged. Someone who advocates, cheers, protects, and guides. Whether you have fathered children or have been a mentor, the father figures impact us more than we can say! We love you! Take a listen.
In the midst of all the noise and distractions that are attempting to knock you off track, here is a message to remind you of the power of who you are, your path, and your purpose.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you, sweet man…
Thank you for being a part of my journey in 2022! It has been the most full, challenging, joyful, and beautiful year of my life, and I have YOU to thank for it! I am always in awe that out of all the providers in this work, you chose me. Blessings to you in this new year, and may you know I am cheering you on!