Deposits + Cancellation Policy

Hello, fine gentleman!

Beginning May 1st, 2023, there is an updated deposit + cancellation policy.

This is after almost three years as being a service provider.

It has been my tendency to go with the flow when a client cancels last minute.

I’ve even given the benefit of the doubt numerous times when there is a no show.

However, because of certain factors (which I’ll share below), it is in the best interest for both you and me if I implement some better guidelines.

I strive to conduct myself with the utmost professionalism, and while I understand last minute things arise, here is what I face:

  • when I am traveling from out of town, I have additional overhead to cover. With the costs of accommodations, flights, transportation, eating out, it adds up (anyone who travels understands that). When multiple sessions cancel or do not show up, it impacts:

    • my financial wellbeing and desire to return to that city

    • my trust in others’ word and commitment

  • a disruption of other schedules that are being taken into account. It is no longer just me where I live and travel, so multiple people are shifting their schedules to accommodate our session.

In truth, I have been incredibly understanding and gracious when people have had to cancel. However, for me to feel good and continue to travel, this is the new policy:

Deposit Policy:

  • For sessions in Atlanta: 20% deposit to secure session. Regardless if new or current client.

  • For sessions outside of Atlanta (Boston, San Diego, Hawaii): 50% deposit to secure session.

Deposit methods: Cash App, Google Pay, Venmo

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel at least 24 hours ahead of session: deposit is transferred to another time.

If you cancel on the day of: deposit is kept, and you will have to prepay in full for next session.

If you do not show up: you forfeit the opportunity to see me. One strike, you’re out.

I love the work that I do. And based on the reviews and the repeat clients…I know you do too! It is my desire to continue doing this work, be authentic, and provide genuine connection. I appreciate your understanding and valuing my services.