Pussy massage Mastery
“you are 💯 missing out on a life changing experience!”
Here is the Short + Sweet Cliff Notes Version!
YOU are getting hands-on training with how to give a woman a FBSM + Pussy Massage. You + Me + Brooklyn in a room.
1- I demonstrate.
2- You replicate.
3- Brooklyn gives guidance and feedback.
We go over each section of the body. This is a thorough training on how to massage a woman from head to toe.
The approach is VERY different from a traditional massage.
We share with you:
the woman’s mindset
setting up the space
how to approach the body
the quality of the touch
various strokes and techniques
building the arousal, activating the healing
and a TON more
Basically you get access to women’s minds in how we think; women’s voices in expressing what we like and don’t like; and Brooklyn’s body to really understand and discover the wonderland that there is, and how the massage can become the journey and destination all in of itself.
Here are the nuts and bolts:
2.5 hour session— 1st hour is spent on how to give a FBSM to a woman. 2nd hour is womb massage— internal and external. We open her up first before we play with her pussy. There is flexibility in amount of time spent on body vs pussy dependent upon level of mastery.
$1500 tribute (savings of $250 compared to having a 2.5 FBSM session with each of us) **Boston rate is $2,100
It is private, meaning it’s myself, Brooklyn, and you.
Hands on only!
Listen here to learn more!
(A few details updated from audio below— debuting in new cities, and decided to extend the time to two hours due to so many extra things to teach.)
pussy massage mastery
As much as I have been called a Cock Whisperer, I have also been called a Pussy Master too… or Mistress. ;-)
Recently during a womb massage I was giving a dear girlfriend, she kept sitting up and exclaiming “why don’t men know this?!” As she had multiple orgasms and was squirting… and all just from external touch.
Granted, she is a more open woman, meaning she isn’t closed off in feeling pleasure. So… results may vary!
My philosophy:
I believe that understanding a woman’s pussy is an intimacy lifeskill. As essential as being able to drive, navigate a conversation, anything else you would consider fundamental…and requires training to become skilled at.
We have NOT been taught well how to bring intimacy and pleasure to our partners. Aside from the occasional unicorn who just happens to be gifted, or the Don Juan lover who is so practiced that he just “knows”… most of us fall in the spectrum of just bumping along in the dark, trying to figure it out as we go. PS- porn is NOT an educational tool in this
I know in your heart of hearts how much you desire to please your partner. It’s beautiful.
And most men take a very direct approach. They see the thing, they go into the thing, they conquer the thing. Veni vidi vici.
However… women are much different. They need to be massaged and have arousal built up inside of them.
It’s an indirect approach, one of circling around the area, teasing it with the touch and arousal, getting her to the point where her toes are curling, she’s bucking and screaming. Yes, that has happened from my handiwork.
One analogy I use is men are like broilers— you turn them to 500 and they’re immediately on. Women are like ovens— you set them for 450 degrees and have to wait 20 minutes before they’re warmed up.
And I’ve touched many women— including some of my best friends who are super vanilla, super religious, and would never even have known how powerful, healing, and special a pussy massage was if they didn’t trust me.
And believe me… every woman needs this.
The problem is… women don’t know where to go for sexual healing.
And this massage can truly heal them.
I have women burst into tears by the kindness and gentleness of my touch. And then five minutes later be quivering with energy, pleasure, and bliss.
So much is possible and you have a unique opportunity to experience a private masterclass in Pussy Massage and learn from me and Brooklyn!
Here are the nuts and bolts:
2.5 hour session— The first 1.5 hours is spent on how to give a FBSM to a woman. The final hour is womb massage— internal and external. We open her up first before we play with her pussy. There is flexibility in amount of time spent on body vs pussy dependent upon level of mastery.
$1500 tribute (savings of $250 compared to having a 2.5 hour FBSM session with each of us) **Boston rate is $2100
It is private, meaning it’s myself, Ms. Skye, and you.
Hands on only!
Ms. Skye is a fabulous, cheerful, bubbly mature cutie pie, who is excellent at communicating and providing feedback— which is super important in learning this! She’s been one of my besties for years, and loves being a demo bunny for me.
Pre-requisite: you have to have seen me before as a client.
This will 100% set you up for success. It will provide you the fundamentals along with tips and tricks, and from there… the sky is the limit!
This will be so much better from anything you can read in a book, watch in a video, or even witness at an event. You will be able to learn, train, and receive feedback right then and there.
Want to sign up? Have questions? Need more details? Reach out to me directly via text or email!
“Look forward to her [Brooklyn’s] giggles of enjoyment and orgasmic releases that will drench you over and over again.”